Video Games and Parenting with Drew Dixon

Video Games and Parenting with Drew Dixon

In this episode, I talk with Drew Dixon about his recent book,   Know Thy Gamer: A Parent's Guide to Video Games   (B&H). In our dis...
Fruitful Theology with Ronni Kurtz

Fruitful Theology with Ronni Kurtz

In this episode, I talk with Dr. Ronni Kurtz about his recent book,  Fruitful Theology: How the Life of the Mind Leads to the Life of the So...

What Bible Reading Is For

In the epilogue to An Experiment in Criticism , C. S. Lewis opined that reading good literature enlarges our being: "In reading great l...

To Read the Bible Is To Enter Its World

 "To read the Bible is to enter into its world, at least momentarily, a world dominated by the word of God that address us, and by the ...

Reading as if God Exists

 "One cannot be committed to orthodoxy and read Scripture as if God did not exist."  —Seth Heringer, "Preparing to Read: Theo...
The Speech and Silence of the Son (Sermon on Jesus's Arrest and Trial)

The Speech and Silence of the Son (Sermon on Jesus's Arrest and Trial)

Watch here:     Biblical Text: John 18 Sermon Outline:  Betrayal and Arrest in the Garden False and Faithful Witnesses before the Jewish Lea...
The Thundering Voice of the King (Sermon on Psalm 29)

The Thundering Voice of the King (Sermon on Psalm 29)

Watch here:     Biblical Text: Psalm 29 Sermon Outline:  1. Scene One: A Soaring Call to Worship 2. Scene Two: The Voice of the Lord Descend...
The Rhythm of Lament (Sermon on Psalm 42)

The Rhythm of Lament (Sermon on Psalm 42)

Watch here:     Biblical Text: Psalm 42 Sermon Outline:  1. The Psalmist Describes his Disposition 2. The Psalmist Grapples with a Question ...
Biblical Theology as a Way of Life (Podcast Appearance)

Biblical Theology as a Way of Life (Podcast Appearance)

 I was recently on the Across the Canon Podcast to discuss my recent book on biblical theology: One Grand Story: How the Bible Tells its Sto...


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