Showing posts from July, 2009
The Danger of Card-Catologing a Personal Collection

The Danger of Card-Catologing a Personal Collection

"Everything gets mixed up when you put it in order." —Raymond Danowski's comment on trying to find something in his mamouth co...
My Little "Honorary Texas Ranger," at least for now . . .

My Little "Honorary Texas Ranger," at least for now . . .

The hospital we delivered at partners with the Texas Rangers, so before we left the hospital, they dubbed Hope an "honorary" Range...
Pine Log Politics: What I learned about Journalism from my Undergraduate Newspaper

Pine Log Politics: What I learned about Journalism from my Undergraduate Newspaper

My recent experience with "WIRED" magazine reminded me of the last time I wrote a letter to the editor, with much poorer results....

"When the Pacifier will not Pacify," My Latest Book Idea

For some reason (go figure), this morning around 5:45am I lit upon an idea for a book, tentatively titled, "When the Pacifier will not...

Combating "Nature Deficit Disorder"

Christians should take the lead in reconnecting with nature and disconnecting from machines. —Al Mohler, " Nature-Deficit Disorder -- H...
WIRED Magazine gives my Shout-Out a Shout-Out

WIRED Magazine gives my Shout-Out a Shout-Out

WIRED Magazine published the "reader response" that I sent in regarding their May "Mystery" issue. I wasn't sure if...

Sleep Patterns

Here is a glimpse of what my post-Hope 5:00am looks like: Alive. Alert. Awake. Enthusiastic.


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