I recently stumbled accross a way to get a weather forecast in a flash. Simply type "weather.gov/" followed by your zip-code into your URL bar, and you can get an instant real-time forecast from the national weather service for your area.
For example, "weather.gov/76134" gives a forecast for Fort Worth, and "weather.gov/77995" gives a forecast for Yoakum, etc.
A very good trick if you want a forecast without having to actualy navigate through a weather service website.
After all, this is most likely how Jack Bauer checks the weather.
For example, "weather.gov/76134" gives a forecast for Fort Worth, and "weather.gov/77995" gives a forecast for Yoakum, etc.
A very good trick if you want a forecast without having to actualy navigate through a weather service website.
After all, this is most likely how Jack Bauer checks the weather.
Ht: LifeHacker
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January 19, 2007