A Limerick that defies the rules of its genre for you, composed in view of the medicine cabinet,
I rued the day I got the Flu
I rued it through and through
And then this day,
It went away
But, alas, the Flu fought through
It made it through two days it seems
And now I have the chills
My fever marches,
"Onward lads!"
Past my brave conclave of pills
I rued the day I got the Flu
And lo, it went away,
So now I know,
Just what to do
I now shall rue the Flu!
I rued the day I got the Flu
I rued it through and through
And then this day,
It went away
But, alas, the Flu fought through
It made it through two days it seems
And now I have the chills
My fever marches,
"Onward lads!"
Past my brave conclave of pills
I rued the day I got the Flu
And lo, it went away,
So now I know,
Just what to do
I now shall rue the Flu!
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January 28, 2008