The Fear of the Lord is Our Treasure

My friend Billy reflected today on how "the fear of the Lord is Zion's treasure" (Isa 33:6). After emphasizing the intensity of this fear, he observs that "the fear of the Lord is Zion’s treasure because it is the fruit and a demonstration of a people who truly know the living God, and ultimately, treasure him above and beyond all else."

This reminded me of what I read in Psalm 119 this morning. In the midst of exalting the Lord and his Word, the Psalmist writes, “I am a companion of all those who fear You, and of those who keep Your precepts” (119:63).

The Psalmist here speaks of the kinship experienced among the people of God. Believers are not united because they have similar interests, income, or ethnicity, but rather because they have a common object of worship. They fear the same God. They tremble at the same Word.

One of the ways God knits the hearts of his church together is by enabling them through the Spirit to confess, “the fear of the Lord is our treasure.”
Fear of God
November 25, 2008


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