Showing posts from 2009
Three Views on the New Testament Use of the Old Testament, Book Review

Three Views on the New Testament Use of the Old Testament, Book Review

Three Views on the New Testament Use of the Old Testament . Edited by Kenneth Berding and Jonathan Lunde. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 20...
What Happened to the Saints' Undefeated Season, Visually Depicted

What Happened to the Saints' Undefeated Season, Visually Depicted

"It's going to sting for a while."  —Drew Brees, QB of the N.O. Saints  ( Dec 19, 2009 )
The Writings of John Sailhamer (An Online Bibliography)

The Writings of John Sailhamer (An Online Bibliography)

John H. Sailhamer was an evangelical Old Testament scholar/theologian. Sailhamer completed a PhD in Near Eastern Languages and Cultures at...
Hope's New Trick, or The Beginning of a New Era, or "Uh Oh"

Hope's New Trick, or The Beginning of a New Era, or "Uh Oh"

Yesterday, Hope started rolling over from her back to her stomach, which is like an 89% increase in mobility. We were wondering how long it ...
The Church's Guide for Reading Paul: The Canonical Shaping of the Pauline Corpus, Book Review

The Church's Guide for Reading Paul: The Canonical Shaping of the Pauline Corpus, Book Review

Title: The Church’s Guide for Reading Paul: The Canonical Shaping of the Pauline Corpus  Author:  Brevard S. Childs Publisher:   Eerdmans...

Writer's Block

Writer's block is the ultimate nightmare of anyone who lives by his pen. — Terry Teachout, " When Artists Dry Up: What makes great ...

Christmas Music is for Christmas

Last week I was listening to the radio in my truck and heard a Christmas song. I thought it was a joke. It wasn't. And I wasn't laug...

The Compositional Approach of John Sailhamer

This book . . . follows an approach that looks for the biblical author's "intention" in the "verbal meaning" of his ...

Knowing my Limits

At the beginning of this semester, my thesis for a research project I'm working on included this statement: "This research paper w...

What is Reformation Day?

What is Reformation Day? On Oct 31, 1517, Martin Luther nailed a list of talking points against the sale of indulgences in the Catholic C...

Things I have learned in the PhD Program (4)

4. Entering a PhD program is not the way to conquer the Social Network World. As I labor assiduously in the real world, the social network s...
My Eulogy for a Discarded Umbrella

My Eulogy for a Discarded Umbrella

This is my submission to "Better off Soaked," a site that collects images of broken/discarded umbrellas: After a long and distingu...
This is what happens when Mommy Dresses Hope for Church

This is what happens when Mommy Dresses Hope for Church

Allegedly , there is a big difference in results when Daddy Dresses Hope for Church (according to one, possibly two Spellmans). But I just ...
Wikipedia's Shady Truth Claim

Wikipedia's Shady Truth Claim

Wikipedia claims that it can disambiguate Truth: The hubris is staggering. :)
A Week Ago Today, My Dad Died of Leukemia

A Week Ago Today, My Dad Died of Leukemia

There were 17,974 days ordained for him before one of them came to be. I am thankful for all of them. It has been a hard week. But we have g...
This is what Happens when Daddy dresses Hope for Church

This is what Happens when Daddy dresses Hope for Church

Two Spellmans think the outfit is a coordinated success. One Spellman thinks it's "fashion torture." The look on her face lets...
Kenosis and Priesthood, Book Review

Kenosis and Priesthood, Book Review

Kenosis and Priesthood: Towards a Protestant Re-Evaluation of the Ordained Ministry . By T. D. Herbert. Milton Keynes: Paternoster, 2008. 2...
A Snapshot of Government Efficiency

A Snapshot of Government Efficiency

—State Congress members in Connecticut rapt in attention during State Budget debate (via The Courant )
An Apt Visual Metaphor for my First Week in the PhD Program (Year Two)

An Apt Visual Metaphor for my First Week in the PhD Program (Year Two)

See also, First Week (Year One) First Week (Year Three) First Week (Year Four)
My New Time-Consumer . . .

"God has Never Deserted his Church," so neither should you

That Church is still alive; an unbroken spiritual descent connects us with those whom Jesus commissioned. Times have changed in many respect...

Beware the Post-Apocalyptic Misplaced Modifier

Typos have an uncanny ability to survive readings and re-readings. If there is anything that could survive a nuclear attack, it is probably ...
Book Spotting: What's this book about?

Book Spotting: What's this book about?

My first thought when I saw this book title today, "Is it referring to kids, or parents ."

Why MS Paint?

Why MS Paint is the image manipulation software platform of my choice. This is 1:41 of your life you'll never get back.
Research Language Log (6): A Muddled Imbroglio

Research Language Log (6): A Muddled Imbroglio

This weekend I spent some time translating Latin. On multiple separate occasions, I thought I knew what a Latin word meant, but I was reall...
The Danger of Card-Catologing a Personal Collection

The Danger of Card-Catologing a Personal Collection

"Everything gets mixed up when you put it in order." —Raymond Danowski's comment on trying to find something in his mamouth co...
My Little "Honorary Texas Ranger," at least for now . . .

My Little "Honorary Texas Ranger," at least for now . . .

The hospital we delivered at partners with the Texas Rangers, so before we left the hospital, they dubbed Hope an "honorary" Range...
Pine Log Politics: What I learned about Journalism from my Undergraduate Newspaper

Pine Log Politics: What I learned about Journalism from my Undergraduate Newspaper

My recent experience with "WIRED" magazine reminded me of the last time I wrote a letter to the editor, with much poorer results....

"When the Pacifier will not Pacify," My Latest Book Idea

For some reason (go figure), this morning around 5:45am I lit upon an idea for a book, tentatively titled, "When the Pacifier will not...

Combating "Nature Deficit Disorder"

Christians should take the lead in reconnecting with nature and disconnecting from machines. —Al Mohler, " Nature-Deficit Disorder -- H...
WIRED Magazine gives my Shout-Out a Shout-Out

WIRED Magazine gives my Shout-Out a Shout-Out

WIRED Magazine published the "reader response" that I sent in regarding their May "Mystery" issue. I wasn't sure if...

Sleep Patterns

Here is a glimpse of what my post-Hope 5:00am looks like: Alive. Alert. Awake. Enthusiastic.
Time of Birth, A Poem

Time of Birth, A Poem

"Time of Birth, A Poem" Thursday, June 25, 4:50 pm: The moment I realized that God had given me another woman I would give my life...
Chick-fil-a has good theology

Chick-fil-a has good theology

Upon seeing my pregnant bride (37+ wks), they offered me a free "Father's Day milkshake" today. Reminding me that life is life...

The "Easy Sell" of Text-Driven Preaching

If you draw attention away from the text, then you draw attention away from Christ —Steven Smith, "The Preacher's Spirit" in S...

Research Language Log (5): The German Monster Eats my Homework

When I was transferring 2.5 hours of my German translation homework from a jump drive, I "moved and replaced" in the wrong directi...

Diminished Focus sometimes means Diminished Affections

Multitasking only makes sense when none of the tasks requires heart-engaged, loving attention. —John Piper, " More on Not Using Twitter...

Reading Aloud Improves your Depth Perception

One of the most basic tests of comprehension is to ask someone to read aloud from a book. It reveals far more than whether the reader unders...

If the Suit Fits . . .

The "Lawsuit Zeus," also known as "Johnny Sue-nami," filed a lawsuit this week in federal court seeking an injunction to...

Nothing too small in us . . . to be ordained by God

Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? And not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. But even the hairs of your head a...
Rockets-Lakers: So far, so good.

Rockets-Lakers: So far, so good.

Update: Game 1: Hou 100, LA 92 Game 2: Hou 98, LA 111 (Kobe mouths "I can't be stopped" after every basket, apparently forget...
Bring on the Lakers!

Bring on the Lakers!

Last night, the Rockets beat the Trailblazers to advance to the second round of the playoffs for the first time since 1997. Feel free to ju...

One of the "Mysterious Powers of Poetry"

Its ability, like words, to be simultaneously general (belonging to us all) and particular (connected to individual experience). —Matthew Za...

Bernard of Clairvaux on the Doctrine of the Trinity

It is rashness to search too far into it. It is piety to believe it. It is life eternal to know it. And we can never have a full comprehensi...
The New Media Frontier: Blogging, Vlogging, and Podcasting for Christ, Book Review

The New Media Frontier: Blogging, Vlogging, and Podcasting for Christ, Book Review

The review I wrote of The New Media Frontier for Themelios is now online ( 34.1 April 2009, 152-53 ). If you are using or interested in t...

Running Report (2)

This morning, I successfully turned the " Seminary Stride " into the "Seminary Stroll." There are some things that a Red...

For His Glory Alone, Quincy's Rhythmic Artistic Proclamation

Quincy Jones and company ministered the word to us at Redeemer Church last Sunday through "Rhythmic Artistic Proclamation" (R.A.P)...

The Goal of Graduate Study in Theology

A good graduate program in theology stands for something; it has a corporate personality. This is more important than most graduate school a...

My New Equestrian Companion

I made an exception to the school's pet-ownership restrictions, and as of today I am now the proud owner of a steely Quarter-Horse .

If the United States were a High-School Yearbook:

The Most Likely to Succeed Secede
Not even Google Can Fulfill Every Search, and I still haven't found what I'm looking for

Not even Google Can Fulfill Every Search, and I still haven't found what I'm looking for

This is my entry in the Free Verse Photo Competition : "But I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For" —Paul David Hewso...

What happens if you Multi-Task?

So what happens if you multitask? You will never get into the zone. And if you never get into the zone, you will miss out on the best and mo...
Take the time to Rhyme, during National Poetry Month

Take the time to Rhyme, during National Poetry Month

April is National Poetry Month , as declared by the Academy of American Poets. I've already participated this month by posting a selecti...

Worship Songs and Musical Tastes

Being overly sensitive and excessively opinionated about musical tastes is ridiculously easy to do (at least for me). Bob Kauflin gives some...

Headache, a poem

Starting small, it creeps and subverts. Pushing forward trench by trench, it looms. Leaving, never abruptly, it promises return. And I'm...

Chigurh Thinks

Part of Cormac McCarthy's No Country for Old Men follows a rough, cold-blooded hitman named Chigurh (pronounced "sug-ar") who...


Today, I felt my daughter move for the first time. Something tells me that when she's on the other side, kicking her mother will not be ...
The Year of the Lumberjack, my NCAA Bracket Prediction

The Year of the Lumberjack, my NCAA Bracket Prediction

I just wanted to give y'all a heads up on the Southland Conference sleeper pick that will rock this year's NCAA Basketball tourney. ...

Spring Break

Did not used to invovle a 40 hr work week.

Lucky-Dipping Barth's Church Dogmatics

It is on this basis that it becomes so serious, so simple and at the same times so complicated as in the last resort it always actually is. ...
Sweet Proposal Turns into Happy Meal

Sweet Proposal Turns into Happy Meal

A woman's boyfriend put an engagement ring in her milkshake, but she swallowed it when her friends challenged her to a Frosty chugging ...

Return to Sender?

I have a sneaking suspicion that my latest piece of mail was intended for a previous resident.

Vain Opposition to the Messiah’s Kingdom

In a recent article, Jim Hamilton writes about God's purposes in the life and growth of the church in the book of Acts. Part of the arti...
From Hope's Latest Photo-Shoot

From Hope's Latest Photo-Shoot

Hope was showing off for the Week-Twenty Sonogram photo-shoot by attempting to eat her foot while hiccuping. See also, A few more pictures (...
I'm terrible at the Eyeballing Game

I'm terrible at the Eyeballing Game

My pedestrian score at the " Eyeballing Game ," which began to make my head hurt at an alarmingly rapid pace.

"The Gift: It's not just the thought that counts," a short film

What you are about to see is real and was shot as the events were taking place. The names of the characters have been changed, but then edit...
Losing Faith in Highway Road Markers

Losing Faith in Highway Road Markers

I noticed on our return trip to the Metroplex, that there are 6.4 miles between the "Fort Worth 45" sign and the "Fort Worth ...

"That not one member of this body has read . . ."

Here we are with 1,100 pages, that not one member of this body has read. Not one. —Minority leader John Boehner shortly before House Democra...

The "Heavenbound" Challenge

Ladies and Gentlemen, Are you man (or woman) enough to take the “heavenbound challenge”? Open this video in your browser (rickroll safe). L...

Dear Blog

"I got nothing." —Me, upon remembering that I had a blog and that posting requires both mental energy and cutting edge content, (F...
Things I have learned in the PhD program (3)

Things I have learned in the PhD program (3)

3. Reading Schleiermacher (a.k.a " the Haze-Maker ") and learning German at the same time is sometimes like trying to find the loo...


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