The Seminary as a Textual Community: Exploring John Sailhamer's Vision for Theological Education

About the Book

 The Seminary as a Textual Community: Exploring John Sailhamer's Vision for Theological Education
Editors: Ched Spellman and Jason K. Lee
Publisher: Fontes Press, 2021
List Price: $22.95 | $11.99
Binding: paperback (amz) & digital (kindle)
Pages: 177

Overview (from the back cover): 

John Sailhamer (1946-2017) is known for his careful scholarship on the Hebrew Bible and his focus on the compositional strategies found in the text of Scripture. Perhaps less well-known is his comprehensive vision for theological education.

In part one of this volume, editors Ched Spellman and Jason K. Lee present a previously unpublished address from Sailhamer on “The Nature, Purpose, and Tasks of a Theological Seminary” and offer a reflection on the setting, substance, and significance of this new work. Part two includes a collection of Sailhamer’s articles, essays, and reviews that are less-well known yet relate to some of the major topics he develops in his proposal for theological education. These writings focus on the use of history and hermeneutics with an eye toward the nature of biblical narratives.

This section also includes some of Sailhamer’s interaction with works from several different disciplines (from biblical exegesis to systematic theology) as well as his reflections on the state of Old Testament studies. The volume ends with a comprehensive bibliography of Sailhamer’s writings and research.

Table of Contents:

Foreword: Stephen G. Dempster

Part 1: Hermeneutics and Theological Education
1. The Nature, Purpose, and Tasks of a Theological Seminary, by John Sailhamer
2. The Seminary as a Textual Community: Reflections on John Sailhamer’s Vision for Theological Education, by Ched Spellman and Jason K. Lee

Part 2: Hermeneutics, History, and Disciplinary Dialogue
3. Hermeneutics, History, and Disciplinary Dialogue in Sailhamer’s Scholarship, by Ched Spellman
4. What Have They Done to My Genesis? by John H. Sailhamer
5. Reading the Bible as a Text, by John H. Sailhamer
6. Archaeology and the Reliability of the Old Testament, by John H. Sailhamer
7. Cosmic Maps, Prophecy Charts, and the Hollywood Movie: A Biblical Realist Looks at the Eclipse of Old Testament Narrative, by John H. Sailhamer
8. Johann August Ernesti: The Role of History in Biblical Interpretation, by John H. Sailhamer
9. Engaging the Disciplines: Selected Book Reviews, by John H. Sailhamer
10. Finding Meaning in the Pentateuch: An Interview with Collin Hansen
11. The Writings of John H. Sailhamer: A Comprehensive Bibliography

Afterword: Steven A. McKinion
Scripture Index
Person Index

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Seminary as a Textual Community
August 8, 2022


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