The Chalcedonian Box (theological boundaries for thinking about Jesus)

The "Definition of Chalcedon" is particularly helpful for summarizing the theological discussions of the earliest churches as they considered the person and work of Jesus Christ. 

This video summarizes the first four councils of the early church (Nicaea, Constantinople, Ephesus, and Chalcedon) and briefly considers how these theological formulations guard the "biblical idiom" about Jesus, guide further theological thinking in Christology, and aid the reading of biblical texts. 

Sources mentioned in the bibliography at the end of the video: 
0. For the text of the Definition of Chalcedon (Grk, Eng, Lat).

1. Sanders, "Chalcedonian Categories for the Gospel Narrative," in Jesus in Trinitarian Perspective. See also Sanders' brief articulation of the "Chalcedonian Box" concept. 

3. Holcomb, Know the Creeds and Councils, 9-84.

4. Ferguson, Church History (Volume 1), 191-226, 255-67.

6. Anatolios, Retrieving Nicaea

Produced as a part of an introductory course on theology at Cedarville University.
October 18, 2022


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