The Book of Revelation and Local Church Ministry w/ Jason Kees

In this episode, I talk with Dr. Jason Kees about some of his recent research on the NT canon and the book of Revelation. We also discuss the importance of our local contexts, the relationship between the academy and the church, the need for more pastor-theologians, and the joy of reading the Scriptures. The book we discuss in this conversation is At the End of All Things: Identifying the Ideal Reader of Revelation (Fontes, 2023). 

Kees is an Editor at Lifeway (Bibles & Reference). He also writes at and has several entries here

This podcast is hosted by Ched Spellman (

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Clarifying Note: The views of special guests are their own & do not necessarily reflect my own or the organizations with which I am formally and informally affiliated.

January 2, 2024


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