Baptism, Communion, and Catechesis with Jonathan Watson (Textual Community Podcast)

In this episode, I talk with Dr. Jonathan D. Watson about his new book, In The Name of Our Lord: Four Models of the Relationship Between Baptism, Catechesis, and Communion (Lexham Press, 2021).

Watson is Chair and Associate Professor of Christian Studies at Charleston Southern University. In our discussion, he shares his insights on the logic of the church's liturgy, the beauty of the gospel, and the significance of what we do as a gathered congregation of believers.

Listen Here: 

Thanks for listening!

Substack Series on the Canonical Approach:

My Most Recent Book:

Digital Tip Jar ("Buy Me a Coffee"):

Clarifying Note: The views of special guests are their own & do not necessarily reflect my own or the organizations with which I am formally and informally affiliated.

January 8, 2025


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