Biblical Hermeneutics and Gospel Narratives with Jeannine Brown

In this episode, I talk with Dr. Jeannine Brown about her recent work in biblical hermeneutics and New Testament studies. In our discussion, Dr. Brown shares some of her insight into the nature of interdisciplinary work, key issues in biblical hermeneutics, and the sophistication and literary beauty of the Gospel narratives. 

Listen Here: 

Dr. Brown is professor of New Testament at Bethel University (personal website).  

Read her most recent commentary on Philippians:
Philippians: An Introduction and Commentary

Read the second edition of her hermeneutics textbook: 
Scripture as Communication: Introducing Biblical Hermeneutics

Read her introduction to a narrative approach to the Gospels: 
The Gospels as Stories: Narrative Approaches to Matthew, Mark, Luke and John

The Textual Community Podcast is hosted by Ched Spellman (

Substack Series on the Canonical Approach:

My Most Recent Book:

One Grand Story: How the Bible Tells its Story and Why it Matters 
(publisher website)

Digital Tip Jar ("Buy Me a Coffee"):

Clarifying Note: The views of special guests are their own & do not necessarily reflect my own or the organizations with which I am formally and informally affiliated.

March 12, 2025


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